Sunday, February 12, 2017

02/13/17 - MIM Sketch #82

Happy Monday and Happy Holiday...if you get today off of work like I do! ::fist pump::
Today is Lincoln's Birthday... I think...
Don't really care, LOL
It's also Monday, specifically "Make It Monday"!
The new sketch is up at the "The Memory Nest" blog.
Here it is for your viewing pleasure:
"MIM #82"

"Netflix Cat"
Journaling (Main): "Trying to watch Netflix but someone won't let me!
Guess I'll just watch the walls instead... 2.11.17"
(Sub): "At least now I can see!"
I don't have a problem using just one photo on a layout, in fact I frequently do so, but I do enjoy it when I can use more than one, especially when the sketch I'm using only calls for one photo, AND when I can still keep the integrity of the original sketch.
As you can see despite the use of 3 additional photos I still followed the sketch pretty closely!
All the PPs on here are cat-themed patterned.
I specifically chose the red PP because Netflix's logo color is red.
BTW - that Red PP and the "cat tag" have both been in my stash since June 2014.
Part of the journaling, "...'watch the walls instead..." is part of a lyric from a song.
It was included in order to complete a challenge I'm in over at; the "Musical Inspiration" challenge.
The song chosen for me was: "Friday, I'm in Love" by the Cure. 
*THE TWIST* was to not use the word 'love' on our layout.
I met the twist which I thought would be impossible to do!
That's all from me today!
Hope you enjoy your Monday and that you have a chance to join us in the challenge; you have until February 28th.
Also included in the following February Challenges:
>Scrap Your Pet
*INCLUDES TWIST* of Red, White, and Pink
>National ___________ Day
For "National Love Your Pet Day"
*NO TWIST* none given
>Not to be Squared
Use shapes other than squares (or rectangles) as the main part of your layout
I used 3 large circles
*NO TWIST* none given
3 Items:
-The cat tag
-The red and black PP
-The arrow
14 stickers:
-Alphas (7)
-hearts (2)
-Cat tag
-file tab/journaling tags (2)


  1. This is such a cute layout! Love those cute pictures and great take on the sketch! It is always a good thing to be able to add more photos!

  2. This is soooooooooooo fun! I loveeeeeeee the photos!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cute - what fun photos to scrap! I love that you used four when the sketch only had one. Enjoy your day off!!

  4. hahaha...your cat is too funny. Love the layout--so perfect!

  5. Super paw print paper, perfect for your theme! Wonderful photos and page.


Thanks for all your comments!!! They really mean a lot to me!!!

03/27/23 Planning with Urban Journal Season Ink

My printer was having issues and I fixed it but during the interim I was not scrapping and lost my mojo ::le sigh:: But I've still been ...