Friday, July 12, 2019

07/12/19 - Project Life Week 16

I didn't take a lot of photos this Week.
TBH, I've noticed I haven't been taking a lot of photos in general.
The reason? 
Quite honestly it's because I've been trying to not post so much on Instagram (Social Media).
But if I take a photo and don't post it to Instagram, where I tell a story w/ my caption, I find that by the time I go to scrap it, I forget the story behind my photo!
First World Problems, amirite?! LOL

So for the purposes of taking more photos and capturing my story, I think I may need to just not worry so much about how much I post on Instagram but instead learn to balance social-media life w/ real life.

So what to do when you don't have a lot of photos to include in your weekly spread?
Insert memes/IG Posts ( I said I was posting less, not that I was scrolling less, LOL!).
If you recall on a previous post I advised that I like to include Mems/IG posts because I think the ones I choose to include also tell a lot about me!

So w/out further ado...
Here's Project Life Week #16
-Click on each page to enlarge-

This week includes the 6x6 insert that I created of Hamlet snoozing on my lap; I already shared it by itself  in a previous post.

 It accompanies this 12x12 Traditional Pocket Page:

 (There's a tiny glare; one of the drawbacks of taking photos in a page protector.)

This week I included (counter-clockwise from top left):
- An IG post about how the moment I wake up in the morning, I already am thinking about going back to sleep that night!
(Who else can relate?!)
- An IG post about a dog being very unhappy w/ his Starbucks order.
He wanted a Soy Latte, not a Puppuccino.
If you didn't know, a Starbucks Puppuccino is an espresso-shot-sized paper cup full of whipped cream, just for dogs. Starbucks offers these for free.
This post made me chuckle and as a lover of animals and Starbucks I just had to save it in my album!
-The story of David ordering me the wrong size Nachos, they were the biggest size they sell! But of course I ate them...ALL! LOL
- Cuddling w/ Hamlet, which also references the 6x6 insert.
Journaling: "Cuddling w/ Hamlet never gets old, but this time there's more to the story ==>"

This is the way the two pages look together in the album.
Do you see that 6x8 Pocket Page (black w/ staples)?
That is the back of my "Sharp Objects" Pocket Page that I created and also previously shared by itself in it's own post.
That page is part of Week 17.
I was going to fill in the pockets but decided that leaving them blank/black would make the 6x6 layout of Hamlet stand out more.
Especially since the next week's spread is really colorful (stay tuned)!

I'm happy w/ the choice, though it's not something I would have allowed myself to do last year...
I'm becoming a bit more flexible and really adhering to the "no rules" rule of scrapbooking these days...
And I'm totally loving it!

Per usual most of my supplies come from:
- Elle's Studio
- Kelly Purkey
- Kellie Stamps
- Studio Calico
- Tim Holtz


  1. Love that you are keeping up!
    I too not to find balance w social media! It's like I'm over sharing or silent lol
    You make me want to get cracking on my project life!

  2. Those memes!!! hahaha I say if people don't like my sharing--then they don't have to follow me...although I go through spurts--not because I think I overshare, but I just sometimes don't do too much :D If sharing posts helps you remember then share them...I'd say F off to anyone that thinks it is oversharing. Yeah Social Media is out there, but it should be for yourself first and foremost :D Just my opinion :D

  3. Love love love!!!! Those memes are HILARIOUS ... and I can totally relate to the sleeping one!! HA!!!! And those nachos look YUM!!!!!!!

  4. I haven't been taking many photos recently either, and it has nothing to do with IG since I don't use it. I can't really figure out why I haven't been taking photos. I wish I were taking more pictures of our daily stuff and outings that, while still fun, aren't necessarily 'scrap-worthy.'

    And yes, I totally relate to looking forward to bedtime almost immediately after waking up!


Thanks for all your comments!!! They really mean a lot to me!!!

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