Sunday, July 16, 2017

07/17/17 - MIM #92

"Make It Monday" Sketch #92 is up live and ready to inspire!
I had a lot of fun w/ this sketch!
Hope you do too!
You have until July 30th to submit your entry to "The Memory Nest".
MIM #92

"They grow up so fast!
Nose and Industrial Barbell Piercings for my baby girl...
who is no longer a baby. :sniff:
Both fit her look/personality so well!
She didn't even flinch with the barbell but got a little bit teary-eyed with the nose piercing.
Her dad and I almost hurled with both, bahahaha! #TrueStory

I have my nose pierced; got it done about 2 years ago.
I have also had my belly button pierced, though it's been since removed, and I have 2 sets of piercings in my ears.
So you would think it'd be no big deal for me for my daughter to get piercings.
And it wasn't, I mean the concept wasn't... I can accept that she's growing up...barely...
But, OMG actually seeing her get pierced, knowing someone was placing 3 holes into my daughter, aside from just a regular ear piercing that I had her get as a baby, it... it LITERALLY made me sick to my stomach. In fact as I write this and remember it, I'm getting sick to my stomach again, LOL

Anyway, she loves it and it fits her so well and makes her so happy that I love it too!
Even her dad, the biggest critic about these type of things, thinks it looks great on her!
But yeah, the growing up part he's not so cool w/!

Also for the following July Challenges:

21 hoarded items
-BG paper
-Alphas (12)
-PL Cards (2)
-Word Stickers (2)
-Buttons (2)
-Arrow Sticker
-Yellow/White PP
*INCLUDES TWIST* of shapes
The arrow sticker and "yeah" word sticker are hoarded and shaped!

20 Stickers
-Alphas (17)
-Word (2)

1 Scrap
-Yellow/White PP


  1. Very cool that you scrapped this part of her growing up! I loveeeeeeeeeee this!! LOVING the journaling and the colors! Matches the photos perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yeah, I don't even like thinking about piercings. *shudder* Your page is awesome though! Love the choice of putting it on black with the yellow and mint.

  3. Awesome the black background. She is brave--I'd be screaming :) It does suck that they have to grow up through :(

  4. Doreen,can I send you my journaling to write out?! I just loooooooooove your handwriting and doodling! NOW, can I scream---OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Love how you made this sketch your own unique design!


Thanks for all your comments!!! They really mean a lot to me!!!

03/27/23 Planning with Urban Journal Season Ink

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