Monday, July 13, 2015

08/11/15 - "2015 Reading Challenge" Update

It's that time again!
Reading Challenge Status time!

I haven't been reading as much as I'd like.
I use to read a lot at work but work has been very busy lately so now I actually have to WORK instead of READ! Darn it! LOL!

This time I'm doing it a bit differently:  I will provide you w/ all the new information first and then atinclude a link to the last blog post if you want to be reminded of what I've read so far.

Here we go!
Isn't it cute!
I liked the book and discovered there is a sequel so I will be reading that one too, once I finish this challenge, unless I can find a way to make it fit!
I'm currently working on checking off my trilogy... so I'll be reading 3 books but only getting 1 credit.
Doesn't seem fair, right?! Errr...
Well, I will still count it as 3 books for my total books read but I can only check off 1 category.
Total count: 20/50(53)
Here's the link to my last post:  Update 07/05/15
BTW - I include, kinda sorta, book reviews /book descriptions on my Instagram account for some of the books I read if you're interested...
The link to my IG is at the top of this blog, above my photo.
Okay, that's all for now! many books so little time!

1 comment:

Thanks for all your comments!!! They really mean a lot to me!!!

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